Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Madison Ridge

“it’s all downhill from here!”

Our proposed new motto will appear in our blog header shortly. If you live on the alley behind 33rd Ave. East expect a physical hardcopy flyer any day now. We're looking for:
bird sightings (chickens count)
raccoon weight guesses
alley event ideas
community links


Anonymous said...

bird sighting: Just owls in my dreams to come take away the rats.

raccoon weight guesses: Well they eat roughly half the garbage from the cans by the apartment every week (the other half ends up laying around the alley for the rest of the week... or the next).

alley event ideas: Let's burn down the 3 story eyesore. And then giggle. (Just kidding, I'm really not a bad neighbor)

community links: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&rls=com.microsoft%3A*&q=madison+park+salons . I know how hard these are to find around here, so this should help.

Laura Gamache said...

I know! When my great dane was alive she got blamed for downing those garbage cans - personally, I think it's the crows. I tried your link and couldn't get through. I'll try again and post if it works. Thanks for commenting! As Mae West said, "If you don't have anything nice to say, come sit by me."